Saturday, August 7, 2010

Glen Canyon Dam

I forgot to tell you about one of the places that I visited on my way from Flagstaff to Kanab. I had never been there before in person. Only through the media had I any knowledge of this place. I do remember that it was dedicated back in 1966. It is the second tallest concrete arched dam with a height of 710 feet. and forms Lake Powell that can contain over 26 million acre-feet of water.

Not only is the dam a work of engineering, but the Glen Canyon Bridge that is located in front of the dam is great, too. The bridge is the second highest steel-arch bridge in the United States. It is 700 feet above the river. The span of the bridge arch is 1,028 feet with a road decking of 1,271 feet.

Here are a few pictures that I took.

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